Sunday, October 12, 2008

KC Recap!

Well, Linda and I are back safe and sound from Kansas City CK Convention. Albeit decidedly poorer! We did exhibit some restraint and did NOT hit EVERY scrapbooking store within a 50 mile radius. However, there were 2, count them, 2 trips to Archivers in the 2 day trip.

For a recap itinerary -- we hit Archiver's in Overland Park first. Did some serious damage there on behalf of Get Scrappy. I shopped a little for myself, but kept it in check. I was waiting for the big bonanza at the convention.

Then we went to JoAnn's. It is simply AMAZING to me the difference in that JoAnn's versus ours. No comparison at all. Their scrapbooking section is AWESOME. They had clear stamps that we loved at 30% off! Needless to say we hooked up with some good stuff. I have to confess I cannot and will not give away too many details, because then you would all get a head start on stuff for Get Scrappy. Not fair!!

After that we were pretty much wiped out, but did have a good dinner at Joe's Crab Shack.
Then we went to our hotel, gathered all our accumulated purchases and perused and shuffled and sorted our stuff forever. It was awesome!!

Friday we headed a little further north for the Convention Center, following a quick trip to Quik Trip for the requisite coffee and Diet Coke. We did one of the smartest things ever when we got there. Finally, after all these years of attending the conventions we are getting the hang of it. We purchased a large box for $10 at the Stroller Rental Booth. Into that box we would periodically put our purchases so we didn't have to schlep out to the North 40 to the car several times or dislocate a shoulder carrying everything in totes. Man was that awesome. Probably the best $10 we spent while there!

Our strategy when we hit the floor was to go to separate sides of the booths, casually peruse --- NO BUYING ALLOWED --- and meet in the middle with an idea of the booths we could pass on or spend some quality time in. This worked amazingly well. There were several times when I almost got sidetracked, but I stayed true to the goal.

After Linda and I met up, we began the challenge. The best bang for our Get Scrappy $$$, what do we, individually REALLY, REALLY need, and most importantly for this trip, garner support through donations for Get Scrappy. As we "worked" each booth or aisle , and told the story of Get Scrappy and it's success we passed out several flyers to interested scrapbookers. Many of the vendors gave us products for our silent auction. We got business cards from many others for future contact. One of the vendors that was particularly gracious was the Spellbinders/Nestabilities vendor. That's all I will say for now! Once again, God's hand walked with us throughout this event. I got chills from the amazing grace exhibited by so many while we were there!

One thing I did NOT want to happen was to let our weekend at this convention lose its purpose. The purpose being Get Scrappy. I did not to spend the weekend bitching to everyone who could hear about what went on with SBG. This weekend was about something positive, GET SCRAPPY. Not a bitchfest for Scrapbook Garden. So, I did what we on the East side tried to do when people got to us. Rise Above! Rise Above. Of course I ran into several people I knew who shopped at SBG. Of course, there were questions, which I answered honestly. They just couldn't believe things went down they way they did. This weekend was planned LONG before the end at the Garden. And the memories associated with Get Scrappy will NOT be bound up in the Garden.

Tomorrow and Tuesday, Linda and I will be getting together to wade through the piles of stuff, some old, some new, some donated, some purchased, all to determine what is for what and organize in some kind of fashion.

Again, the mantra, Rise Above, Rise Above. I'm trying Lord, but you're makin' it difficult! (Name than one folks!!) This should not be difficult!----


Sarah :) said...

I'm so glad you gals had a fun and profitable trip! I am also VERY proud of you for "rising above." I'm sure that wasn't easy.

But my eyes deceive me? Was there NO trip to the Cheesecake Factory?!? How can that be?

Can't wait to hear about all the cool stuff you got for Get Scrappy. ESPECIALLY because I ought to be able to attend next year! YAY! :)

Nikki said...

I am so glad that you had a successful trip. I can't wait for Get Scrappy! I am glad you were able to have a ball.